Just a Handful of Salt

What do Jesus’ words “You are the salt of the earth” mean?

A red hand holding some coarse salt. with dry soil in the background.A thousand preachers across the globe will probably preach this coming Sunday about “being the salt of the earth.” I’ve been going to church every week for over 30 years, so I thought I understood what Jesus’ teaching meant.

But maybe I didn’t.

This past Thursday, I came across a post with deeper insights about Jesus’ metaphor. It challenged my understanding of what “being salt” in our culture truly means.

I’ve been writing a post every week for The Faithful Wanderer. I just passed my two year anniversary September 18th. That’s over 100 posts.

But today I’m going to do something I’ve never done in all that time. I’m going to stop typing and ask you to read someone else’s words instead.

Here’s a link to Pastor Edmund Chan’s insightful teaching on Jesus’ metaphor.

What does it mean to be Salt of the Earth?

Please click on the above link. It blessed me. Maybe it will bless you too.

I downloaded this image from Pixabay.com and apparently so did Pastor Chan.


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