Defeating the “Father of Lies”

Keeping Track of the Real Enemy

The Word "TRUTH" made up of tiny letters. A magnifying glass over one letter shows the tiny letters spell out the word "LIES" repeatedly.

This prayer will defeat the Father of Lies. “Spirit of Truth, please reveal the lies I’m believing.” (John 16:13) M.H. Puccini

The Father of Lies is having a field day.

Frankly I’m sick of it. Aren’t you?

Strong emotions flame up across the country. Is the Coronavirus deadly? Or is the pandemic crisis a hoax or overblown? Our whole society is suffering on many levels, with tragic deaths from COVID-19, racial injustice, high unemployment and collapsing businesses. Angry arguments on social media keep boiling over into contempt and verbal abuse. Even between Christians! But here’s what I’m sure of. Not one of us is 100% right, but not one of us is 100% wrong either.

There’s a cure for all the lies, turmoil and misinformation floating around on the Internet and circulating in our own minds.

But we must decide to go God’s way.

It just takes One Step

The key to this cure is simple.


As Christians we each need to be humble enough to acknowledge that perhaps the Father of Lies has succeeded in deceiving us personally, just as he has other people.

Deception is after all, the Devil’s specialty.

Because we’re blinded, we need to rely on the only One in the universe who can see clearly.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. (John 16:13 NIV)

He is called “the Spirit of Truth” only a handful of times in the Scriptures, but it’s a good name for Him. Because only the Holy Spirit can show us the lies we’re believing.

You know, I think the Devil even lies to himself.

But only the Holy Spirit can reveal the Devil’s schemes against each of us with absolute clarity.

The Two-Fold Cure

We currently have another problem; Christians aren’t acting very Christ-like; at least, not on social media.

Believers are supposed to shine with the loving, compassionate, gentle light of Jesus our Savior. But to do that, we each need to start responding to each other differently.

I’ve gotten angry too. Frustrated? Sure; who isn’t? Worried about the future? Yes, some days. I’m also struggling to trust God’s sovereignty in new ways.. Because the fabric of our nation feels like it’s getting clawed apart from the inside. But in the midst of everything, the Holy Spirit has been lightly tapping me on the shoulder. Helping me see my heart attitude is wrong.

Jesus never commanded us to win arguments.

Instead He challenges us to love one another.

Let’s face it; human beings are messy. Frequently we aren’t very lovable, especially when having heated discussions about subjects we care passionately about.

So, how do I calm my “sun burnt” feelings down?


I’ve started to ask God to bless those brothers and sisters who irritate me the most.

I’ve found I can’t stay angry at the people I’m praying for.

And it’s a prayer my Lord delights to answer.

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