I Flunked Heaven’s Entrance Exam

Clear Sight

A large percentage of people think they are going to Heaven because they don’t “deserve Hell.” But take that argument and flip it upside down. Start asking a new question. “What have I done to deserve to spend eternity in Heaven?” I pictured myself standing before God, trying to convince Him of my worthiness. Keep in mind our Heavenly Father cannot be conned, manipulated or successfully lied to. Immediately the truth became clear. On my own, I would flunk Heaven’s entrance exam.

A new plant rising out of the garden soil.

I don’t believe our works save us, but I believe they follow us into Heaven and bring glory to God. (Max Lucado)

My Earthly Deeds

There’s nothing I can do to earn even a microsecond in Heaven.

If I was pleading my case to the Eternal One, what would my argument be?

  1. Sometimes I did the dishes without Mom asking me to?
  2. I give people rides to church if they live close enough?
  3. I post my Christian blog every week?
  4. I apologize when I hurt people, if I become aware of the pain I’ve caused?
  5. I visit people in the hospital if I can fit it into my busy schedule?
  6. I often help people but sometimes have a grumpy, impatient attitude?


It’s a pretty feeble list, right? If I was the gatekeeper of Heaven, and was listening to myself try to argue my way in, I’d be tempted to mutter under my breath, “Pathetic.”

Not only that, when my writing impacts people in a life-changing way, it’s the Holy Spirit using my words supernaturally to transform people’s hearts.

And I can’t take credit for what He does.

An Inner Source of Joy

Disqualified? Unworthy? Yes. Heaven’s entrance exam is too tough for me.

But thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice, I’m going there.  Why? Because the Almighty decided that eternity in Heaven wouldn’t be perfect unless I joined Him. If you know Christ as your Lord and Savior, that’s true of you too.

Today when I think of going to Heaven, there’s this internal bubbling joy. And my joy is deeper because I’m convinced I don’t deserve it.

So let this spiritual truth soak into your soul.

23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23 NIV)

Salvation and our Lord’s redemption are the best gifts of all.

Let’s be thankful it’s free.

This image came from Pixabay.com

Editor’s note: A microsecond is one millionth of a second.


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