Puzzling the Father

The Unanswerable Question

An aerial image of a lake's coastline.

Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. (C.S. Lewis)

Puzzled Parenting

I titled this short post “Puzzling the Father” because C.S. Lewis’ quote reminded me strongly of a mom or dad unable to respond to their child about why they can’t have their own way.

Sometimes a parent is driven to say, “Because I said so.” Their son or daughter is too young to be aware of a possible danger that their parent sees clearly.

Maybe that’s why God often doesn’t answer our most urgently asked questions. On this side of eternity, tethered to the earth, we can’t possibly understand.

But when we awaken in Heaven, God promises we’ll see clearly.

At present we are men looking at puzzling reflections in a mirror. The time will come when we shall see reality whole and face to face! At present all I know is a little fraction of the truth, but the time will come when I shall know it as fully as God now knows me! (I Corinthians 13:12 Phillips)

A Glass Darkly

Another version of 1 Corinthians 13:12 says “Now we see through a glass darkly…” I liked the poetry, but it used to puzzle me. Here’s my under5standing of what that phrase means.

Right now it’s November in the United States and winter is coming. So it gets dark very early. If I’m sitting in a well-lit room and try to look out the window at night, I can’t see anything. But if I’m outside, I not only see what’s around me, I can even see clearly into lamp-lit rooms, unless the curtains are drawn.

Seeing clearly depends on where I’m standing.

My Spiritual Point

Walking by faith is hardest when life gets painful and doesn’t make sense. In tears I’ve looked up to Heaven and said, “I don’t understand—but I trust You.”

But I’m looking forward to finally seeing my life clearly in retrospect, from Heaven.

Aren’t you?

This image came from Pixabay.com.


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