The Idol Within

A Hammock in the Sea

A guy relaxing in a hammock set up in the water, watching a sunset.

“If you think you’re serving a God who wants to fluff your pillow, serve you a cool drink and make you all comfy, you’re wrong. You’re serving an idol and that idol answers to your name.” (M.H. Puccini)

Don’t get too Comfortable

In the past, I’ve written about two false idols in American culture: greed and hungering for fame. But the 3rd major idol is the desire to stay within our “comfort zone.” This might be the most underhanded idol of all. Because valuing comfort and security doesn’t feel like a sin. Yet it causes us to always rebel against God’s plans for us. 

Walking by faith is always uncomfortable; God designed it that way.

Stepping out in faith is sometimes scary. It means following the Lord in a new direction, even when fear floods in.

We need to trust that if God calls us, He’s going to show up.

In fact, stepping out in faith is the most exciting way to deepen our relationship with God. Faith walking always causes us to trust Him in a new way.

I confess, I’ve often failed in this area. In the past, I’ve let fear, anxiety and “what-if'” thoughts paralyze me.

But my past doesn’t control my future.

Bible teacher Joyce Meyers has a great piece of advice. She says if the Holy Spirit is calling you to step out in faith, “Do it afraid.” We need to recognize that the Devil is actively resisting us, often by stirring up negative emotions and thoughts.

Joyce also teaches a great acrostic for the word “fear:”

  F – False

E – Evidence

.A.- Appearing

R.-  Real.

Fear is never conquered by surrendering to it.

Fear is only conquered by going forward, in spite of how we feel.

Faith means following the Holy Spirit into an unknown future.

Jesus wants to use us.

Are we going to let Him?

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