How to Block God’s Favor

A True Observation

It’s easy to block God’s favor, because there are some things He will never bless. High on His list? When a power struggle erupts between believers. Church splits are ugly and mean-spirited. Slander, lies, intimidation—these are the enemy’s weapons. So the Devil is delighted when Christians use them to wound one other. Mistreating brothers or sisters in Christ is a sure way to block God’s favor and blessing.

If there’s loving unity, a church can withstand all kinds of pressures from without. But not when the attack comes from within.

A close-up of the piano's black and white keys.

Disobeying Jesus’ Clear Teaching

Whatever else church splits are about, they are never about walking in forgiveness. Or “loving your enemies”—namely other Christians attending the same church.

Church splits are about personal bitterness, hurt egos and power struggles.

I’ve never known a church split to end well.

Jesus taught us how believers are supposed to treat one another.

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35 NIV)

Church splits do not please the Father’s heart. He never rejoices to see a local church destroyed from within. Jesus didn’t die for this. The spiritual and emotional damage that occurs when Christians go to war against other Christians is horrific.

The Trinity never blesses people who start a power struggle within the local church. Because regardless of who wins, everybody loses.

So what is the godly thing to do if you can’t agree with the direction the church leadership is going in?

Speak to the leadership about your concerns. But if there’s no gross sin involved and you still disagree with the leader’s decisions? Find a new church home.

Tozer is Right about Unity

I love A.W. Tozer’s way of sharing this truth about unity.

An old-fashioned tuning fork.He uses the image of a skilled workman tuning multiple pianos. A metal tuning fork is made to vibrate at a set frequency, usually 440 Hz. This tone corresponds to what the piano’s “A” key should sound like. By playing the keys and adjusting the tensile strength of the piano wires, the piano tuner can make a out of tune piano play beautiful music once more.

Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? (A.W.Tozer)

Of course, Tozer isn’t really talking about pianos. Jesus is our “tuning fork” and when we get in harmony with Him, we’re in harmony with other believers.

The Holy Spirit starts shaping us into a warm, loving church family. He also heals wounds and causes us to reflect Christ as a group.

So pray for unity.

Pray for healing between brothers and sisters.

Pray for Christ-likeness.

Most of all, pray for Jesus to be glorified.

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