Set Free from Fear: A Personal Testimony

The Power of Praise in Dark Times

A close-up of a goat, looking right at the audience.Have you praised the Lord today? (M. Puccini)

The Amazing Power of Praise in Dark Times

A heart of thankfulness and praise is a antidote for many things, especially for a soul filled with fear and anxiety. I should know; I’ve lived it.

On December 20, 2012, my only brother Chris—a lifelong atheist—attempted suicide. He was transported in the Intensive Care Burn Center in Detroit and died 5 days later. Because of the burns’ severity, the staff kept him in a drugged sleep. During that time my soul was a churning caldron of guilt, grief, anger, panic, frustration and fear.

I knew Chris was dying. The medical staff kept fighting a losing battle, keeping my brother alive, while I grappled with that truth and made medical decisions. My panic came because I understood that Hell was my brother’s final destination.

Where was God? I’d been a Christian a long time; I knew by faith He was standing beside me. But I couldn’t feel His presence. The uproar between my ears was too loud.


A Divine Breakthrough

On emotional overload, I’d kept in touch by phone with only 3 people; my husband, my pastor and a woman who’d been a wonderful spiritual mentor. One day Alice reminded me to praise and worship the Lord in Chris’ hospital room.

As I hung up, I remembered the strengthening power of praise.

That night, I worshipped God, singing a handful of praise songs over and over. In between, I began declaring the goodness of His character, thanking the Lord for His presence and His power. As I focused more and more upon God’s reality, my inner turmoil subsided. I began to experience greater and greater joy in the Spirit.

My faith and trust in Him started flowing again.

I finally was able to put my brother’s fate in the hands of the One who loved my brother and wanted him saved even than I did. I knew God was working, even though Chris was unconscious.

My brother died on Christmas Eve. But I have an inner peace that I’ll see Chris again in Heaven.

I think he was probably surprised when he woke up there.

My friendly goat came from


The Holy Spirit did several low-key miracles during my time in Michigan, while Chris was in the Trauma Center. I’ve written about each one in the “Pit Dweller” series. Just click on the link and read as many of the posts as you like.


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