A Rare Vision from the Lord

A Rare Vision

Some Christians I know and trust get words of knowledge, see visions or receive prophetic dreams. Others can sense the presence of demons or even see angels. But I’m not presently gifted in that way, Often I’ve felt spiritually “blind and deaf,” unable to detect the unseen reality swirling around us. Yet God delights to use me. That being said, I have over the past several years had a vision or two.

I saw this vision several years ago. It passed very quickly through my mind, but I can still remember the details.

A Cabin of Light in the Darkness

A lit church in the snowy dusk.I once saw a mental image of a darkened desert at night.

In the distance stood a canyon with very high, rocky walls.  In the canyon’s shadow, I saw a cabin with every window shining with bright yellow light.

That cabin could be seen for miles, because it was the only source of light on that whole darkened plain. The yellow light drew my eyes irresistibly.

Instantly, I knew two things. Anyone in the darkness who needed help—water, healing, food or safety—would struggle to get to that cabin. It was their only hope.

But evil men and women saw the cabin too. It stood out from the darkness so clearly, no one could miss it. The same light that drew the helpless also drew evil people, bent on destroying those living within the light.

Suddenly, the cabin’s lights went out.

The people inside had realized their danger and responded fearfully. Quickly they quenched all the light and became invisible in the darkness. Now no one could find them. They were safe, but miserable, because the cabin was now dark and growing cold.

The Meaning of my Vision

Young woman breathing fire in the darkness.In the countries with the greatest persecution, many Christians huddle fearfully in the darkness. Others flame brightly with the light of Christ.

My heart can’t condemn either choice, because I’ve never suffered for my faith. I’ve never faced the horrible fears and cruelties my brothers and sisters live under every day.

Yet I know how I would want to respond if that time ever came in the U.S.

I find myself praying more fervently then I have in years, for God to make me into a Christian woman who will hear His voice and obey His Spirit’s leading.

No matter what the personal cost.

The cottage image came from Pixabay.com.


Fire-breathers never stay unnoticed, especially in the darkness. But this amazing young woman’s name shall remain a mystery, by her own request.

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