Creating Pearls: God’s Transforming Work in Us

An Encouraging Truth

An open oyster with a pearl inside.


“God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls and coal into diamonds using time and pressure. He’s working on you too.” (Rick Warren)

Faithfully Follow

Many of us have personal stories of Jesus’ life-transforming power.

But change doesn’t come about by accident. We need to travel along the path the Holy Spirit has put us on, obeying our Lord’s will and seeking to please Him.

Jesus has a path picked out for each one of us. Some places are rocky and some climbs are hard. We don’t always like what He calls us to do. But as we continue to follow, Christ begins to work.

Inside—where it counts—we begin to change.

The Cost of Disobedience.

If we rebel against our Creator and decide to live our lives any way we want to, we will never be shaped into diamonds, butterflies or pearls.

This image came from


“10 Fascinating Facts about Pearls” by National Geographic.

“The ABCs of Pearl Farming” by Timeless

2 thoughts on “Creating Pearls: God’s Transforming Work in Us

  1. Carlene

    And the only way God can make a pearl is by irritating an oyster. Not by irritating just anything, but by irritating something that has a thick, hard shell that will keep the growing pearl safe. Pearls are among the softest of our precious gems. … without that hard shell around them, they could never grow to be beautiful and precious.


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