The Thailand Cave Rescue

A Challenging Truth

A cave in Croatia with water almost filling the cave's entrance.

“Jesus will lift you out of the deepest pit, but He will not lift you out of your easy chair.”        Reinhard Bonnke

The Thailand Rescue

When I created this meme, I quickly thought of the Thai soccer team, trapped in a flooded underground cave. The international rescue effort united the whole world in praying for the lives of those 12 boys and their coach.

Do I think the Lord heard us? Yes. The fact that all 13 were found alive after 9 days in darkness is a true miracle. The rains held off. Everyone worked together and put their egos aside.

Joy exploded around the world when the news reached us. All the boys and their soccer coach were safe, rescued from a dark pit.

Called to be More

We are called by God to go deep. To step out in faith in spite of our fears and doubts. Yet any step of faith the Holy Spirit asks us to take will always be extremely uncomfortable and unnerving.

Why? Because we’re in “over our heads.” We’ll have to rely on Jesus, instead of our own abilities and talents.

But our Master loves us. He could terrorize us into obeying, but He’s not going to. We have the option to refuse. To stay planted before the TV, in an air conditioned home, with money in the bank and a steady income.

The German evangelist Bonnke is right; Jesus will never lift us out of our easy chair. A step of faith must always come first.

Unfortunately, we can miss the glorious purpose God has for our lives—just by refusing to budge.

this image was downloaded from


Here’s a more detailed story of the Thai soccer team’s rescue.


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