His Light Shines thru our Brokenness

A Truth We Forget

God knows the mess we’re in when He calls us. His light shines greater through “cracked pots” than it does through those who have it all together. Joyce Meyer

A Unique Japanese Art

For 400 years, Japanese artisans have restored broken pottery by using the metal gold to join the pieces back together. This art is called Kintsugi or “golden repair.” In Japan, the scars are highlighted instead of concealed. making each bowl’s design uniquely beautiful. The Japanese use it as a metaphor for inner healing. The scars still show, yet a person’s life can shine with a new, richer dimension, because of the earlier brokenness.

My Spiritual Point:

I too believe that Jesus’ divine light shines brightest through “cracked pots.” My messes have become my message.  My tests—which I’ve often failed—have become testimonies of God’s goodness.

Often we see the Lord most clearly through our tears.

I was unable to find an illustration of light shining through a broken ceramic pot or vase. This Japanese Kintsugi bowl became the closest example. The image is from Pixabay.com


My insight about Kintsugi came from an article entitled,

“KINTSUGI AND THE ART OF REPAIR: life is what makes us”



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