Max Lucado’s Definition of Faith

An Insight about Faith

A black hole in space, captuiring light energy from a nearby galaxy.

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right. Max Lucado

Yes. I believe this too.

A Christian’s Goal

The goal of the Christian life isn’t happiness. It’s to become more and more yielded to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Inner peace and joy will often be the byproducts. Because as we choose to obey Him, our Redeemer will often heal our emotional wounds. He is, after all, a very loving Master.

Personal Confession Time

There are still many areas of my life where I still struggle to obey God. Sometimes I’m lazy or fearful. Other times, I refuse when what He’s calling me to do “seems too hard.” Yes, I have godly wisdom. But I don’t always follow it. Yet in the areas where I’ve consistently obeyed the Holy Spirit’s promptings, I am currently reaping a wonderful harvest.

So seek to become 100% committed to Christ’s Lordship.

Because there is no better investment.

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